New Hot Spots Event
Are you among the camp that thinks the NBA should have a 4-point line? Even a 5-point line?
We’re bringing that concept to life – with our own twist – in Hot Spots, our newest event. In Hot Spots, you’ll team up with the NBA 2K Mobile community to score as many points as possible before the final buzzer. You get extra points for sinking buckets from a constantly moving, circular “hot spot” on the court. Allen Iverson’s Antimatter card is the top reward this week, and the more you contribute, the more you earn.
One hot spot is available at a time, and it changes locations with each possession. It could be right by the basket, in the midrange, or beyond the 3-point line. Regardless of its location, scoring from a hot spot is 5 points. So, whether you’re a pick-and-roll master or just want to jack threes like everyone at the local gym, Hot Spots has something for everyone.
As you work towards your progression and leaderboard rewards, you join forces with the community to defeat opponents and earn Take Down Rewards. The more everyone plays the event, the more rewards you get (as long as you’re doing your part).
Three opponents will be available at once – let’s call them Champs – and you’ll see them listed in order of PWR (Easy, Medium and Hard), similar to Fantasy Finals. Champs are the same for all users regardless of PWR. You can play against whichever one you’d like, and you can stick with one or go back and forth between Champs. Take Down Rewards for a Champ are earned when the community collectively drains its health to 0.
To qualify for Take Down Rewards, you need to play at least 5 games against that Champ that resulted in damage to its health. Damage is essentially your margin of victory. But you don’t necessarily need to win, as the margin is calculated a bit differently than traditional games. The scoreboard in Hot Spots shows only one number – starting at just 0 rather than 0-0 – and it can’t go any lower. At the start of games, that damage number can only go up.
The number on the scoreboard will fluctuate based on points scored by either team. If it’s +2 and then you hit a 3-pointer, it changes to +5. Then if the Champ hits a layup, it goes down to +3.
The final damage score will be subtracted from the Champ’s health once you’re back on the event’s main screen, and it also determines how many event points you earn for the game. After Champs are defeated, new ones appear that are more and more powerful.

If the community runs out of time and doesn’t defeat it, you still win extra event points for qualifying, called Qualify Rewards. And in the meantime, you can continue facing that Champ and earning event points for each game. If it is defeated and a new Champ appears, a whole new set of Take Down Rewards and Qualify Rewards become available.
OK, back to those hot spots. Utilizing them for special 5-point shots will be the most efficient way to play the event, as reaching a damage score of 15 ends the game and results in a Critical Hit. These give you 50% bonus event points and damage to the Champ.
Scoring from a hot spot also increases your Minimum Damage – it goes up by a point for every bucket from one of them. So, you just need to score one bucket from a hot spot in 5 separate games against a Champ to qualify for its Take Down Rewards.
(Promise we’re not trying to say that that offense is more important than defense.)
More key details to know about Hot Spots:
There are five total Champs for each difficultly, labeled LVL 1-5. If the community defeats all five Easy Champs, the first one will appear again (with the same Take Down Rewards and Qualify Rewards as last time) and then the second one, etc.
The community doesn’t need to defeat all three active Champs to get a new one. Just defeating one will bring up a new Champ in that difficulty.
Each new Champ within a difficulty will have higher PWR and more health than the last one. But, the LVL 5 Easy Champ will have less PWR and health than the LVL 1 Medium Champ. Same for Medium compared to Hard.
Winning games against a Hard Champ gives more event points per damage than Medium, and same for Medium over Easy. These don’t change as new Champs appear. The second Easy Champ gives the same amount of event points per damage as the first one.
Take Down Rewards are the same item for all Champs in a difficulty, at an increasing rate. In Hard difficulty, LVL 1 Take Down Reward is two theme collectibles, LVL 2 is three theme collectibles, and so on.
The size of your hot spot depends on the Champ’s difficulty.
Champs will also have hot spots they can score 5-point shots from, but they are not aware of them. Opponents play as they normally would, and sometimes happen to shoot from hot spots.
There is a cooldown period of two minutes between games.